
Mindfulness is the key to connection, with ourselves and the world around us. This is our birth right. 

Mindfulness allows us to look deeply at our inner workings, to compassionately meet ourselves in the places that we typically find uncomfortable, at best and frightening, at worst. 

With a little bit of awareness and a lot of love, we can cultivate an ongoing and friendly relationship with ourselves, allowing healing and insight to occur. From here, we find our agency, our choice, and our power. 

I believe that mindfulness is a way of life, to be considered as important as good nutrition and physical exercise. I would like you to consider your mindfulness practice to be just as important a practice as brushing your teeth.

You can practice mindfulness with me in the psychotherapy room, or as a mindfulness student in one of the many programs that I am teaching. Please check out the Upcoming Events for additional information.